I just wanted to remind you that the seasonal blocks give away ends on Friday at midnight! Don't forget to enter the drawing! Int the picture below you can see how I decorated them for my daughter birthday! So cute huh?! Don't you want some?!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A Darling Calendar
Lately I have been making some really cute things to help get organized! I am constantly organizing things....if I just put things back in their proper spot I wouldn't always be organizing...lol. I have made many cute things but so far have only taken a picture of this darling chalkboard calendar. It was simple to make!
Here's what you need to make it:
-16x20 board (I sell these!)
-Chalkboard Paint
-Calendar Vinyl (I sell this too!)
-Chalk or a chalk pen (I got a chalk pen at Hobby Lobby for $5...kinda pricey, but so worth it!)
Here's How you make it:
-Paint your board with chalkboard paint. Let dry then apply another coat. Once dry, rub your piece of chalk all over the board. Then wash off with a cloth that has soap and water. If you have any residue from the soap wipe off with a damp cloth.
-Once the board is dry, apply your vinyl!
-Stick a hanging device on the back and you now have a darling chalkboard calendar!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Hannity turns 1!
On Saturday June 4, our sweet little girl turned 1! I can't believe that a year has already gone by since she was born! She is growing up too fast and I wish she would just stop! That's obviously not going to happen though! She has had quite the first year! Lots of fun little trips that she won't remember (luckily I take like thousands of pictures when we go on vacation!), such as Arizona, Michigan, Utah (of course BYU Football and Basketball games!), Disneyland, Hawaii, London and Paris....what a well traveled girl! She is super mellow for the most part, yet she is kinda sassy at the same time if she doesn't get her way! She puts of with her big brother very well (he steals like every toy she touches!), she is the best sleeper (2-4 hour naps, and sleeps 8-12 hours a night, and goes to bed pretty much immediately when she is laid in her crib!). She's pretty much a perfect little gal! She goes in spurts of repeating every word we say, but then never repeats the words again. Some of the words she says on a regular basis are; Momma, Dadda, Landon, milk, cracker, shoes, fish, dogs, and birdie! She gets so excited when she sees birdies, and she is terrified of doggies in real life but not in pictures. She sat up at 5 months, crawled at 6 months and currently takes 4 steps at the most at one time! She has the BEST smile with the cutest little dimples! Her smile can brighten any ones day! We love you sweet Hannity and are so lucky to be your parents!!! I could go on and on about this sweet little girl of ours but I'll stop now before I bore anyone to death! Now on to the party!
The morning of Hannity's birthday party my friend Mandy did some family pics! I brought some of the party props and we used them for the pictures, and I'm so glad I did because how cute are these?! The best pat was Mandy edited a few pics for me to use at the party! How nice is she?! I bought the cute pennant that's hanging at Target for $4 and it's fabric! So cute! There is a sign that says "Welcome to Hannity's Sweet Shoppe" it has a glare on it so it's a little hard to see, but i got that from an Etsy shop called Dimple Prints. They have all kinds of cute things in their store that you purchase and it arrives via email and you print it yourself! I love that because it makes it very affordable and you can reuse the files!

I love her face in this one...it's her way of saying "Don't you dare think about taking away my candy!" Her birthday outfit was purchased off of etsy from Three Little Starfish. I was in search for just a shirt for her birthday and the second I saw this little top my search was over and I got a whole outfit!

Oh, and isn't her headband just darling?! My friend Jenny made it for Hannity. The bummer part....I put in on backwards so you can't see it but there is a teal rosette on the other side! Oops! I was just so excited that she was keeping the headband on (she started pulling them off at about 7 months...worst day of my life! I still buy her lots of headbands though...lol!) I failed to notice it was on backwards!

I found this cute bucket at Hobby Lobby for $1.50, and it held the perfect amount of lollipops! I ordered these from Oriental trading company and they are pretty tasty little suckers! I got the cute little labels at Ciao Bambino, another cute Etsy shop that I found. The package had so many labels I put some on the treat bags and used them for cupcake toppers and I still have tons left!
A friend form high school made these cute little cake pops. She doesn't have a facebook page or website that I know of for her stuff or else I'd post a link. Her name is Krysten Jankowski though and she makes super cute cakes and cake pops!
These water labels and juice box labels were the labels from Dimple Prints.
The cute fabric just so happened to match her birthday outfit, so I had to have it when I saw it at Hobby Lobby!
I had a little goody bucket....there were way more pencils than this but my son hid them and still till this day they have yet to be found! The cupcake notepads were from Oriental Trading and the pencils, erasers, and stickers were from Target in the Party isle, Spritz brand, and the ribbon is from Hobby Lobby!
This is one of the tables I had for people to sit at. I painted the 1 and mod podged some birthday paper to it! Paper, fabric, 1, and H are from Hobby Lobby....cute baby in the picture....made by me and my hot hubby!
I had random chairs scattered all over for people to sit on. I decided it would be way cute to add a vinyl cupcake to each chair, so I did, and each chair had different colors that went with the party!
Every Sweet Shoppe party needs ice cream and toppings! I kept it simple and just had a few. The bowls I already had and are from Anthropologie, and the spoons go with my silverware set from pottery barn, that I love and we copied from some friends of ours who have great taste!
Bad lighting and wind= not the greatest picture! The banner was from Dimple Prints. I printed it out and assembled it using cardstock, ribbon and tuille.
A friend form High School Tawnie West made these cute candy bean bags for a bean bag toss! So cute! I don't think she has a shop, or I'd post it! I found the cute buckets at Target, my favorite place!
I so cheated and didn't hand make any desserts! I got these mini cupcakes at the Wal Mart bakery, it worked out great because they were chocolate, butter cream frosting, and matched the color scheme! I made the toppers using the labels from Ciao Bambino.
Again I didn't make these cookies either! I did however semi make this cute KEEP CALM AND EAT A CUPCAKE picture....thanks to a website I found where you can generate your own little signs like this. Sadly I can't find the name of that site! I'll let ya know when I do!
Here's more of a close up of the treats. Most of the jars are just from the dollar store!
I found these cute ice cream bubbles by Spritz at target in the party section and thought they were a must for the party! And they worked out great on my cupcake stand, which I got years ago at Williams Sonoma!
Here's a view of the back yard...again it was windy so stuff was blowing every which way! Every time I throw a party it's windy! What the Heck?!
I had this "Welcome to Hannity's Sweet Shoppe Sign" outside of the front door for all to see when they arrived. The metal sign was on clearance at Krumpets (a cute little store in St. George) for $10. Sold!
I made up some Happy Birthday signs to pull out for last minute birthday decorating. Here is one of them!
And here is the other!
Here's the bucket filled with ice cream cups! I made the chalkboard label using chalkboard vinyl and my cricut. If you want vinyl to cut your own, or want some already made let me know!
Ice Cream table close up!
Landon trying to steal Hannity's cake...which I didn't make...it was just from Smith's bakery...it was only $1.99 and it matched perfectly and saved me lots of time!
Here she is enjoying her cake! Mmmm!
She got a little messy! Her poor face did break out in a rash though from the dye =(
Here is a family shot. I look gross, Hannity is checking out Landon, Landon is blowing bubbles not paying attention...my husband looks good!
Here is Landon with one of his girlfriends sharing a cookie....so sweet!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hey everyone! I have decide to start a new blog! This blog is family and crafting combined! I had too much of a hard time keeping up with my other two blogs that were separate (it's been about a year since I updated our family blog...lol), so I decided to do a whole new one that was combined! You can still check out my old blogs here and here for old blog posts on family happenings and crafting ideas! This blog is definitely still under construction! I have lots to do! I'm trying to design it myself, with the help of the cute pre designed designs at shabbyblogs.com and it's not as easy as I would like it to be! I may break down and pay someone to design exactly what I want....we'll see....but for now what I have going on will do! To celebrate my new blog I'm doing a giveaway!
These seasonal blocks have been very popular! Everyone loves them! They spell over 40 different words! I will be giving away a set to 1 lucky reader! These are valued at $30 & if you don't live in the Vegas area, I will ship them to you! The winner will get to choose the color of paint and vinyl! If you already have a set, these would make a great gift!

Here is how you enter:
1. Leave a comment on my blog.
2. Share my give away on your facebook page.
3. Become a follower of my blog. (I'm still working on getting or designing a cute button!)
4. For each friend of yours who comments or becomes a follower of my blog you will receive another entry! Make sure they say who sent them when they leave a comment!
You have until Friday at Midnight to enter! I will draw a winner out of a hat (or maybe a bowl, whichever is more accessible!) on Saturday!
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